
I’m going to take a break from my regular pagan posts and touch on a subject that I have wrongfully been overall quiet about. I’m done, guys. I’m done.

Do you remember the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird when Atticus is giving his final statement in the courtroom? Where he basically said “this man is only on trial because he is black, and that’s a big problem.” I remember crying while reading it for the first time, my heart breaking as my eyes scanned the page… yet, I was blindly grateful, believing that we were past this kind of oppression in our society.
How naïve.

I’m sorry that I have posted less and less on #blacklivesmatter, simply because I found it painful and didn’t want to believe that so many people needlessly lose their lives in such a way. I’m sorry that I have never corrected friends who have rebutted with “all lives matter,” as it discredits the feelings of our black brothers and sisters.

I pray that we can stop being so hateful. Guys, someone’s brother, son, husband, father and so on has lost their life… Rather than supporting the families of this person while they attempt to come to terms with what happened- while they grief in agonizing pain and confusion, we are telling them “not all cops are bad,” or “well they shouldn’t have broken the law.” People are morning a loss of someone they desperately love and we are spitting in their face, discrediting their hurt.
Some mother will bury her son. A woman will now raise her children as a single mother, staying awake at night wondering how she is going to do this. Children will never know their father’s smile. And what do we have to say? “He broke the law… not all cops are like that.”
How about a genuine, “I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sorry for your pain.”

This needs to stop. I have friends who are upstanding members of society, that work hard, give back to their community, and are loyal friends who are genuinely scared to get pulled over for a burned out headlight BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. This is a problem, and it hurts my heart to the core.

In the words of Princess Diana, “Someone needs to go out there and love people.”
Please, PLEASE start loving people. Love your neighbors. Love your black community. SHOW them that you believe ALL lives matter, don’t just spit that at them every time you see the #blacklivesmatter handle.
Love them. Love everyone.
Stop this madness.
Stop the hate.